Vintage Electric Alarm Clocks
These are all new-in-the-box electric
alarm clocks. Comes with original factory packaging.
Description: 1985 alarm clock radio with LED display.
(we have TWO of these)
Description: Bold II Dialite with snooze alarm
plastic case - 3" tall
Made by Westclox
lighted dial
Date of Manufacture: 1990s
Country of Manufacture: Norcross, Georgia, USA
Condition: New-in-box
Warranty: 90 Days
Price: $42.00
Shipping: $7.00

Description: Bold II (basic alarm)
plastic case - 3" tall
Made by Westclox
No snooze, No light.
Date of Manufacture: 1982-1986
Country of Manufacture: Norcross, Georgia, USA
Condition: New-in-box
Warranty: 90 Days
Price: $29.00
Shipping: $7.00

Description: 1984 alarm clock radio with LED display.
(we have ONE of these)

Description: Bold II Dialite
(we have 5 of these)
antique white
plastic case - 3" tall
Made by Westclox
Lighted dial. No snooze.
Date of Manufacture: 1982-1986
Country of Manufacture: Norcross, Georgia, USA
Condition: New-in-box
Warranty: 90 Days
Price: $35.00
Shipping: $7.00