windup alarm clocks.
My clock is over-wound.
If a clock is fully wound and won't run, there is something
wrong with the movement. There is no
condition where you can "over-wind" a clock.
(unless it comes apart in your hand.)
All good alarm clocks should be
wound to the right.
This is a myth we hear all the time. All the major
alarm clock manufacturers, such as Westclox, Ingraham,
Gilbert, and Seth Thomas, have made clocks that wind in both
directions. This was true from the early 1900s
until today. There is no basis for this myth. It
was probably started by someone who couldn't get used to
winding a new clock in the opposite direction of the clock
they had before!
The luminous material on my clock dial doesn't glow
all night.
In past years, the luminous material on clock hands and
dials contained radium. (a radioactive material) Once
use of the material was outlawed for health reasons, other
materials were developed that do not reflect light as long
in the dark as the old, dangerous material. This is
not a myth necessarily, but a misunderstanding of the facts
about the materials. Even the radium-based material
had a limited time to be reflective at night, based on its
exposure to light during the day. We seem to have
forgotten this.